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Find Your Grit Podcast

Episode 002
The Power of Consistently Being Consistent  


In this episode, join me and my guest and prior client, Brittany Rosson. Brittany holds multiple fitness and nutrition certifications, as well as a mom of 2 young boys and a prior D1 athlete. Listen as we discuss the power of the enviornment around you on meeting your goals, the power of consistently being consistent for your habits and how small changes can equal big results.


Episode Transcript: My name is Grant Taylor and I'm here with Brittany. Hello y'all. We're going to talk about habits, how to form them, and consistency. Temporary fixes are temporary results. And that is so true because the majority of the time that we see temporary fixes in a fast track, though, here's one month and here's a template off of how to get skinny fast, that's what we see most often. Yeah. Why is that? Well, I think because our, you know, people set up this unrealistic 00:29 fix like people are like I come in I'm like I want to look skinny for this event in three months and I need it to happen now and they're like okay well I mean and I say temporary fixes are temporary results yeah and so it's not sustainable and I think that I wish somebody would have told me that like yeah I can give you this but it's not your forever yeah and it's like okay we need to set people up for forever we need to give them realistic expectations like followed into I wish that somebody would told me it's gonna take 00:57 longer than expected. Yeah, of course. For this. And I think that we don't set that up for people. No, because yeah, exactly. Only see it quick as hell. Like keto or your Whole30 or whatever. And that's like, the name says it right there, Whole30. Yeah. It's only for 30 days, my friends. For 30 days. People are like, I'm doing Whole30. I'm like, what are you gonna do when those 30 days are over? You gonna continue to do that every day of your life? Exactly. I don't know, you're not? No. And it's crazy because... 01:23 quick fixes, you also set yourself up for failure if you just give it a surface level of accomplishment, knowing that if I'm gonna set my goal up to lose this weight for this event, you better have a plan bigger than yourself to then create a lifestyle to then go past those 30 days. And prepare yourself before you get into it because a strong mindset, your body will be strong as a byproduct. You wanna run 50 miles, don't prepare your body for what you're gonna do for 50 miles. 01:51 prepare your mindset. Because I know no matter what happens, I'm going to run those 50 miles. And past those 50 miles, I know that as long as I look at what's next, I'm golden. And prepare yourself for a lifestyle and a journey, and that's the beauty of it. I think a lot of people, you can, just like being a parent, I can imagine, you wanna be able to set a kid up for success. And you give them a tool, and if they're not ready to grab that tool yet, and they drop it, you don't blame the kid, you blame the timing of giving that tool over. And so it's like for you and your progression, 02:21 There were obstacles and challenges that we had to get through before it was time to be able to pick up that weight. And if I would have told you in that first month, not only would you have lost the weight that you desired, yet you were able to lift more in the process, you were able to wake up every day feeling more functionally capable to be able to perform better, you would have told me to fuck off. You would have told me that sounds that's way too good to be true. That's that's ridiculous. But that's the truth. It's like 02:48 If you want to take steps going forward and faster, focus on what you can do outside of it to be able to think about the whole entire journey as the goal and not just a goal. It's the journey of what I can do every single day and just live for the day. Yeah. And I think like foods were also like... Yes, foods were. And my God, grace with food. 03:17 Not a booty's aren't with 1200 calories 100% But I do tell people and I tell them that your body's like a vehicle in a lot of different ways if you're not going If you're not driving a lot of miles, you don't need to put a lot of gas in your tank But if you are driving a lot of miles, you better start filling up that gas with good quality carbohydrates And I always reiterate that protein is like the order oil. You don't change your oil often But if you get good synthetic oil, it'll last you to distance 03:46 So yeah, nutrition is 100% and the calories that you burn have to come from somewhere or you start to burn the muscle and your gains that you're trying to get. And it's not to bulk, yet you're supposed to lean. Skinny and frail is out. It's gone. Drop it, let it go. That's not a sustainable way to be able to live a healthy lifestyle. Yeah. Well, not only that, but I mean. 04:13 You are literally killing yourself in there because you're working out. And a lot of people, a lot of time, when I think about people just trying to be skinny, they're in there doing cardio for like freaking hours. Ain't that the truth? Yeah, I hate cardio person out. I can't do it. I have so many clients that will do straight up cardio and they will lose a lot of weight. But you lose everything with it. But you lose everything with it and it kills everything with it. And you start to realize that your goal at first, and I'll tell you one thing. 04:43 Even if you walk into a goal to whatever it may be, you'll realize that pain and suffering are worth something. No matter what way you go about your journey, you're gonna figure that part out. And to be honest with you, the clients that I had, and even myself going through that process of eating really little and not even realizing the harm I was doing to my body, and just pushing myself through the pain, saying it was worth something, then your body starts to then tell you a completely different way to go. And it's very hard to then look at 05:11 your progression, not with the scale, not with the, how much cardio am I doing going through hell? You start to realize that it's the strength and it's the clothes that fit less, but yet I'm actually eating more to lose weight. I'm at, like, that's ridiculous. Like, if I told you that you would have to eat more to lose more, then you'd also tell me to scroll. That's also the fact that we've created in this process, right? I know. I wish someone would have told me, you have to eat more protein, you have to eat more of this because we are trained, I feel like, to... 05:41 Eat less, do more cardio. Like, you know, if we want to lose these 10 pounds in 30 days, like, I wish someone would like, stop it. Yeah, for sure. And like, first off, consistency is everything. Yeah. Consistently being consistent. And that's like such a powerful statement. It is. And if you set yourself up to want to go to the gym to find God himself through cardio for two hours, and you wake up that next morning thinking, I cannot do that. 06:10 the inner bitch in your head that's like, it's cold outside, you're making excuses, and you tell yourself, you know what, no, I'm gonna get up and I'm gonna do it. Don't get me wrong, I love that. I love that for every reason of that. But if you just have to get up and you have such a 180 turn on approaching that goal of like, if I can't get through this day of doing the two hours that I set up for myself, then I'm a failure, you've already lost. You just gotta move. 06:38 just be consistent, get up and just move. Yeah, I mean, like, well, motivation doesn't keep you in the gym, consistency does. Yeah. So it's like, if you consistently showing up, you're going to build motivation. Right. And so with that being said, it's like, okay, what makes you form a habit? Right, what makes you form a habit, exactly. And like for me, forming a habit was going through, putting on... 07:06 a shirt that I would wear in high school that I had, man, blood, sweat, and tears, and that shirt was yellow. Everybody in my friends and family would be like, get rid of that nasty ass shirt. But you know what I would do? I'd put it on at moments of my weakest times because it sets a reminder to me to be like, man, you worked a lot in that shirt. That sweat equity that you put in will never be lost. Yeah, for me it was after I had 07:34 Ezra, it was like finding that motivation to keep to workout. So I would, and we were doing COVID. So I was like, there wasn't a gym that I, you know, all right. And getting out of the house was like, what are you doing? So I would get up and I would put clothes, like my workout clothes on, and I would turn on like a 30 minute workout video. And I told myself you have to do for 10 minutes. Yeah. Then after 10 minutes, I was like, well, I'm not stopping. I only got like 15 or 20 minutes left. Hell yeah. So it was like, all right. 08:00 Every day for a week, I'm getting up, I'm putting my clothes on and I'm working out for 10 minutes. And then it turned into like a full-blown workout every day. And then it's so like consistency was for me doing it. Exactly. Consistency was momentum. Motivation is quickly looked over as something that is sustainable. It's not. You get, you listen to a podcast like this, you get quick motivation. Great. For the next hour of your life out of 24, there's one hour that you just have to boost it up. What are you going to do with that hour? And. 08:30 I live my life by three words, grind, grit, and grace. And what you just said is grind. When you get up and you put on those clothes and you show up. Grit is having the mental resilience to then choose that 10 minutes of that workout was the beginning, but I'm not gonna stop there. I'm gonna finish it out. And grace is being able to sit back, sweaty as shit, being like, I have now the satisfaction of accomplishment that I just could check off. 08:53 And that was the next thing, checking it off, taking the physical action of pulling something off and checking it off. Which I've told you, like I had to like a visual. So they say you form a habit in 21 days. So it's like for 21 days, tell yourself you're going to show up. And so I put 21 Post-its down the side of my doorway. And every day that I did a workout, I pulled a Post-it off and it was like a visual like, all right, I've got 20 days left or I've got 10 days left and I've got 21. I was like. 09:22 Well, shoot, we need to put those back up. Cause like it wasn't stopping for me. And that's how I felt. I was like, Oh, well I have now created a habit and I could see that and it worked. Did you do it in the morning or did you do it at night? I did it, well, when he napped in the morning. So it was like mid morning. But when you did it in the morning, was a reflection of yesterday? Like you got your goals yesterday and you woke up the next morning pulling that off. Yeah. 09:42 Yeah, see that's another big thing that people get lost on is that they'll check it off after they just got done with accomplishment I always tell people to wait till the next morning because there's nothing better than setting momentum hot with a quick check Exactly. And like you know that you just got done with being able to Have the grace to say yesterday. I kicked ass. So today nothing's gonna stop me and That's a that's amazing and Creating a realistic schedule my god. I mean I touched on that just a tad 10:11 by knowing that consistency is number one, but a realistic schedule every single day looks like something different. And that's why living in the now is so important. I'm not living in yesterday. I'm not worried about tomorrow, but I'm focused on that 20 minute workout or that 30 minute workout or that hour workout that I'm giving 100%. And the effort that I put into focusing on what I'm doing while I'm doing it. 10:38 Dude, you wanna talk about burning two times the amount of calories while you're doing an exercise? Look in the mirror and actually focus on, you know, your inner bicep while you're doing a curl and squeeze the inner bicep of it. You're gonna get a better workout and when your focus is in it, oh my God. And you're creating a completely different animal. Well, and I think too, people don't tell you is like, create that realistic schedule because a lot of times people come in and they're like, 11:05 I'm gonna work out for seven days a week, and I haven't worked out in a year, and I'm gonna do this, and by day three you're dead. You're dying. What happens? You burn out. Yeah, and it's like, okay, we'll create a realistic schedule. Maybe start three times a week. I'm gonna do a HIIT workout Monday and Tuesday, or Monday and Friday, and I'm doing strength these days, and I'm doing mobility a day. Make it very realistic in the beginning, and then you can change it. Of course. You can always change the schedule, but in the first couple weeks, make it where you... 11:33 You're excited to go. You want to be there as long as you're showing up. I don't care. It's for 15 minutes or two hours. If you set up a schedule, especially in those beginning days for a goal and it's past that it's way past that you're not going to be able to digest it and obtain it. You're not going to be able to set up realistic successes through unrealistic goals. And that is almost everybody that steps into that goal. 12:02 They wanna, especially when you get to a certain part of your life to where you're like, oh, I used to be this. I used to be that. Well, guess what, my friend? When you start something different and you take a different approach than what you used to be, you're gonna gain success differently than what it used to be. Well, you're a different person. Exactly. You're not in that same place. So it's like, meet yourself where you are currently and then grow from there. Now, that's a whole different subject that I believe that takes a completely different turn that is worth talking about, 12:32 Succeed now, let's say you're consistent and now you're building the nights that you used to go out the brunches that you used to hang out with your friends What happens with that friend group and why is it so important to be able to grow past that? Yeah, that's a good question. A lot of people have to answer. Yeah, we see differently We do and I believe that in my stance of it is though 12:56 When you start succeeding in life, the closest friends and family, like you just said, you grow past what you used to be. Now, if you set up a goal based upon what you used to be, you're never gonna grow past that goal, period, done. Friends are attacked with what you used to be. So for me, if I'm going out every Thursday, Friday, Saturday, whatever it may be, or I'm overeating, I'm turning a cheat meal to a cheat day, but friends and the dopamine that flushes out my brain to feel like I'm... 13:24 I'm working for just the weekend, that becomes nothing. It becomes so much just less. I'm never like, it never quenches my thirst. It's, you know. It's like who you surround yourself with is, you know. Yeah, you're a product of your surrounding and set and setting your mindset going into it and you're setting around it has to then equal out both. But I say that majority of friends that get stuck into that loop. 13:54 And if they don't choose to grow and they choose to then attach what they thought of you back when you were that and you've already grown past it and they bring you down, you cut that out and you don't accept anything less. I do agree with that. I think that you don't want anyone to take you down or bring you down. I think that you have. 14:16 So for we're talking about brunch, we're talking about whatever like your girl loves some bottomless mimosas y'all. It's my weakness. It's my kryptonite. It is my thing. Sunday mornings, 11 a.m. I'm like, let's go. It also comes with the sweat equity that we talk about. Yeah, that's true. Okay, like I don't always want to do that. And that's my mindset, right? My mind has changed. I no longer want to do that. 14:44 every Sunday. I'm not going to do it like every once in a while, but I can't do that anymore because I don't want to. I don't want to lose what I've just gained. But my friends maybe haven't, they're not there, right? They're still doing that every weekend. Well, what do you tell your friends then going through their process? Well, see, that's where we, you're like, I'm done, you're done. Well, yeah, I'm like, hey, Brittany, let's go out for bottomless samosas. Come on, girlfriend. Like, let's rock and roll. What do you say back to that? Well, I say it's hard because I want to go. 15:11 Yeah, of course it is. And it's hard to say no because you don't want to let someone down. Yeah, I think my view on that is, okay, you know what? I can go but I will have like one drink or I'll go and I'll eat the omelet in water or you know, like I can still go and I can still surround myself with those people but my lifestyle is a little different or like after mimosas, like a lot of times, let's continue this. I'm like, oh, no, I'm going home. Right. You know, like it's different. And I think that... 15:39 I can accept my friends where they're at and either they grow with me or they're going to be stagnant. Yeah. Right. Like they stay where they are and I'm going to continue to move. But I also think that my, I got, it got easier saying no. And you just have to say no a couple of times. Like at first I would feel bad saying it. I'm like, no, I can't do this. And then it gets easier because you see the. 16:03 the benefit from saying no. Yeah. Like, I'm like, nope, I can't do that today. Like, sorry, you guys have fun. And I was okay with it. But the no can look like a ton of different things. Like you could say, I'm doing a 60 day. And you could literally be doing a 60 day. And you make the, like, if I have a friend group that says, hey, yo, let's go out. And I'm not saying, oh, no, that's just not me anymore. You know, like to belittle them and say, no, y'all are pieces of shit. No, I don't say that. I say. 16:29 Actually, I'm actually in this cut right now. Like I have to be able to. So I just make not an excuse, but yet an excuse. Yeah, it's just something to be able to say that just I got other priorities, but I'd love to, but I just can't. Yeah. And but for me, when I have friends that are in the back and I see guys for me, my friend group, same friend group that I've had since I was young. And I think we're good at that. And but one thing that's very true with it is there's no bullshit. 16:57 and you call something out like it is, if I have a friend of mine and I wanna give them, you know, some hard love, and I'm like, hey, look, man, dude, to be honest with you, you kinda are getting fat. Like, you're- We could never do that as a girl. Well, I'm straight up telling you, right, and that obviously with guys, you're gonna go through a couple punches. And that's the truth, love punches is what I like to call them. They give you a love bruise, but like, I would rather blood, sweat, and tear it out in a five minute fight. 17:26 then I would hold on to it. And the separation that animosity holds or resentment, and when you start to grow and they don't, is huge. And it's like, you don't ignore it. And if you choose to ignore it, I believe that that's what leads such a long, toxic relationship out with a friend. It's like, call it out like it is. Look, I'm growing, I feel good, I feel really good. I wanna help you grow. Now, if you choose not to grow, that's fine, but. 17:53 I'm gonna sit here and still look good while you're looking like shit. And I'm gonna call you straight out and tell you that, yo dude, you look bad. And if you don't like it, suck it up. Like do something about it. And see, that's where I agree with that. Cause I think I'm gonna keep growing and you can sit here and do whatever you're doing, but I'm gonna keep going. And it does, you will grow apart and you'll start to find people that. 18:17 are with you. Like I've made so many friends in the gym at this point because we're in the same places in our lives. Yeah, yeah, that's very true. And obviously, you want to look at the upside of making friends, not losing them. Because if I were to tell you, oh yeah, throw away to scale things I wish I would have known, I lost all my friends getting fit. I would have not gotten fit. And, but truthfully, I love to think about sheep into a fence and bear with me on this one. Sheep into a fence, if they're born and raised inside of that fence and you take away that fence. 18:45 Majority of the time they won't graze they'll stay within that circle So even if you take away all the boundaries around it but if you're used to that lifestyle and you stick with it you're always gonna stay in that mindset and just because you're that one lion that then starts to create a path through the jungle and You're cutting through to thicket and you know, okay I want everybody to come lead with me if they don't take that choice to be able to lead with you You can't choose it for you. And it's also not your responsibility to guide them 19:15 That's huge because let's say you want to help let's say you want to give them all the tools in the world But they choose not to take it. That's not on you not as a parent not as a friend That is not your responsibility. You did what you did to not be a sheep. You found your own direction You gave purpose purpose That is bold and that goes a ton above now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying I don't like mimosas 19:43 Um, I don't give yourself some grace and go to that bottomless bubble league every couple months, not every week Not every week and as long as your strengths outweigh your weaknesses your smiles outweigh your cries You're on to something stick with that be consistent at that If you don't know the answers right away great. You just figured out where everybody else is at in life It's figuring it out Yeah If you know if you don't know where the direction is and you don't know where to lead and you just set up a goal bigger than yourself and you can imagine yourself 20:12 Sitting in a beautiful body on the beach with a corona You know what I tell you that sitting on a beach with a corona When you've just cut all that weight and you feel like shit the sip of that corona is not worth that hard work you know consistency goes along hard work and Hard work you can never knock someone for I can hate the person next to me I can despise the person next to me either in school or at work in my family I can hate him and I'll say Jimmy is a dickhead 20:41 But you know what though, he's a hard worker. Well, you've said this to me in the past, you're like, success, a lot of people see it as luck sometimes. And what is the, how do you say it? A lot of people view success as luck if they don't know the hard work it took behind it to get there. And once you get there, that's usually what separates friends apart because they'll view it as though, first off, friends or family that sees you in some sort of way or fashion. 21:10 no matter how much you want to ignore it, this is the truth. They will always look at Brittany as Brittany when she was 19 maybe and running wild. And no matter how much you've grown and how much success that you've occurred, it doesn't matter because they're still stuck in their ways. And even when you get there, something happens with your mind to where you start to look at someone when you get that resentment and you start to look at them and say, that's just Brittany. Like. 21:36 She's always been fit. No, it really was not. Yeah, no, I've told you before, it's not in my genes to be fit. I had to work really hard, and I still have to work really hard, and that's part of... 21:47 the other podcast when I talk about, I was like, I don't like the way I look, and if I don't show up and do this, I'm gonna continue to look like this. Exactly. And so people don't, people are like, oh, you're so lucky to look like that. I'm like, actually I'm not lucky to look like this. I get up and I bust my ass every day. You have no idea what shit I went through to look like this. And you know what's so crazy that I love, by being able to set a goal, and you focus on a journey in yourself, and you focus on yourself against the world, it's like, you're not holding any value to what people say about you, 22:17 the people that you look highest and you love them and you just wish that they would say, Brittany, you're doing well. But those people that you're most hungry for to say that, you'll never get it. Yeah. And that sucks. And it sucks a lot. But what I love to think about is that in our justice system, if you fuck up in jail, they put you in solitude to be alone in your own thoughts. A lot of people in this world are distracted because they cannot be alone in their own thoughts. And that... 22:46 to me is crazy because if I were to think about myself, am I comfortable at night going to sleep with my own thoughts of who I am? Because if I attach it to someone else or a friend group or a social, you know, influenced type of goal, it's not real. And it's a mirage, it's fake. People choose to look at a mirage as though it's real. People will create a lifestyle around a mirage. And yet, when they realize that it was just an illusion, 23:16 they go crazy and they're like, what was I doing? And then a decade goes by, years go by, and you're thinking to yourself, why couldn't I have just saw myself in the reflection of everything I've been wanting to look at and all the goals I wanted to achieve, I was achieving them, but I chose to look at something differently. And it's not. I think that kind of like full circles is because you're like, okay, I wanna change, I'm gonna create this cat. 23:42 I'm going to stay consistent. I'm going to use my tools. Like I'm going to do all these things. My friends are either going to follow or support, right? Like you have those two options. And then you're like, I'm doing it. I'm doing the damn thing. So once you get there, then it's like, boom, now's the end of it. Now is where- You can look at yourself in a better light. Exactly. You can be comfortable in your own thought. You can be comfortable being yourself because guess what? You just obtained a huge, huge trophy and a gold medal around your neck that you can live with for the rest of your life is being okay. 24:12 not okay, but also knowing that you're okay with being you because all that hard work and the life story that we write every single day with all those words, that book that of life being that main character in the story that that book is not meant to be shared with anybody. It's just meant for you. You share the pages that you view the most with everybody else around you. So if someone looks at me and tells me, Grant, you know, man, I don't agree with what you're doing, or they're giving me hate. 24:39 It tells me a lot more about them than it does me. And once I'm okay with myself, oh man, I just found so much grace and freedom into smaller things in life. And I now work for something and I put in that sweat equity for something way above myself. Soon, the sheep will follow. They'll go through the path and they'll say, you know what, he's on to something. And it's crazy to see that. And man, it's a good feeling because when you want to say it, don't. Just do it. 25:09 The doer moves, the thinker sits, doesn't go anywhere. You got lots of little sheep following. You got a lot of little sheep following. I want those sheep to understand, it's like you're not a sheep motherfucker. Damn, you're just wearing that wool coat, but you're a wolf inside. You know, it's like my potential to see the, my gift that I believe that I've found in this world is being able to see potential through someone 10 miles past what they see themselves. And it's a beautiful, beautiful thing. 25:39 but sometimes the sharpest tools are meant to obtain until you're ready, and that's the truth. And sometimes they always say you can't build a house with a hammer. Well, I'll tell you one thing, they build houses out of mud a lot of places in this world. So you can build a house at whatever the hell you want to. So use what's around you. Show up to build it, y'all. Show up to build it, get up every day, put on your clothes, grind it out, and know that it's the grit that gets me through it. 26:06 It's the grace that I have to be able to give myself to be able to know my successes are the grace. It's being able to be okay with myself. In this world that we live in, that's so saturated and polluted with all the likes and comments and the quotes that we hear, it's great, but it's short term. Create your own motivation, be your own motivation, and everybody else will look at you as though you are the example. It's not what you say, it's what you do. 26:36 Be that for yourself. Yeah, being the example is huge, because people look at you and they're like, I wanna do that. I can't tell you how many people DM me, they're like, oh, what you're doing is so impressive, or, you know, and I'm like, well, you can come, you can do this, come on. DMing those square ones where you started by putting on your gym clothes that just focus on a 10-minute workout, that's real, that's real. And that's why I think speaking real to a lot of people and going against the narrative that we live in. 27:05 What's sexy and attractive about, here's a quick weight loss journey, or this, this, and that. You know, the truth is, it is a journey. We live in a journey. Put on your clothes, and the stuff that you choose not to say to people, man, that's the hard work that you put in that no one else will ever be able to see. That's your storybook that's only meant for you. So don't compare yourself to sheep. Yeah. Write your own storybook, and pick up the pen. Be a doer. Boom. 27:34 I just burned like 500 calories just doing that, but I'm glad I got that up. And for anybody out there that has questions of where to start or what to do, write to us. You know, put it out. We love being able to give feedback of it and what we've learned across this journey. And success is obtainable through consistency. And as long as you have consistency, you will achieve success. I promise you. 28:04 Don't let anything hold you back. If you feel uncomfortable doing something, that's where you grow. So put yourself in positions to where you know that I might not be the happiest right now, but I know it's worth something. Pain and suffering are worth something. Give it meaning. You wanna look for purpose, give purpose purpose. And that's grand grit and grace, and that's how you find your grit. Yeah, baby. That's it. If anybody wants to find us on social media, 28:31 You can find us on Facebook and on Instagram at find your grit. On this podcast, you got us on Spotify. You got us on YouTube. Subscribe, subscribe and stay up to date with it and let us know what you think. Yeah, I love it. Comment below. All right, everybody, we'll catch you guys next time on the episode. Brittany, thank you again for joining and we'll catch you next time. Bye, all.

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